Joey Ommundson

Joey Ommundson

Joey Ommundson





Tell us abit about you, What do you do for a living? Where are you from and what do you do? 

I’m Joey, I’m 23 years old and live in the Hawkesbury region of NSW (Darug Land) with my soon to be husband Lachie, my daughter Goldie and my dog Dusty. I’m a photographer and have been running my own business for about four years now.




1. What led you to starting BYJOEY

After dropping out half way through a photography degree at uni, I was left feeling uninspired and very unsure of what I wanted to do. After putting the camera down for a few months and working at my then hospitality job, someone I knew reached out to me and asked if I’d take photos at their engagement party. I was incredibly nervous, but agreed and ended up posting those photos which led to more people enquiring for photos, so I just took it and ran with it. I found so much passion in what I do, and have come to only focus on family, maternity, newborn and motherhood sessions – all which have my heart and give me so much joy to photograph.


2. What surprised you most about motherhood? 

To be honest, I don’t think I realised how much it would actually change me. I am surprised by just how much it has changed me as a person. Things I once used to care about, I no longer do, and my views on the world have also changed somewhat. I feel like I want different things than I used to, but all in the best way and I am constantly learning new things about myself. Goldie has given me a totally new perspective on life that I’m not sure I otherwise would have had.


3. What is something you would tell your younger self? 

Definitely that life doesn’t always work out the way you imagined. Go with the flow, trust that it’s all for the best and learn to love everyday for what it is.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The dream – living on a big property with lots of animals hehe, somewhat a bit closer to the beach and raising a few more kiddies! Not sure if it’ll happen but it’s nice to imagine anyway.


5. Who are three photographers who inspire you? 

Laura Harrey (@laluphoto_perth) – I have always been a massive fan of Laura’s work. Her storytelling ability, the way in which she captures people will just never fail to amaze me.


Bec Wood (@wild.flow.her) – Bec’s work to me is just unexpected but in the best way possible. It goes against the grain of ‘traditional photography’ and I just love that.


Clancy Pain (@clancypain) – Any time I see a picture from Clancy, I instantly get this intense feeling of nostalgia – of outback Australia, for wild roaming kids and images that just make me feel like “home”.



6. How do you balance motherhood and work? 

It’s a juggle, one I’m still learning, but I have definitely become better at putting in boundaries and that has really been a game changer. I have also shifted my mindset from “work is everything” to “Goldie and motherhood are my first and utmost priority”. Even just reminding myself of that allows me to not feel guilty when I’m spending time with Goldie instead of doing work like I think I should be doing.

7. What does being a woman mean to you?  

I believe being a woman is completely different for everyone, but for me personally and in this season of my life it looks like being a present mother, raising Goldie, making a home and learning to love that part of me that craves to do just that.

8. Do you believe in manifestation? 

I wouldn’t say I’ve ever been one to speak of ‘manifestation’, but yes I guess in my own way I do. I believe that we all have the power to make decisions in our life that will eventually lead us to the places we want to go.



9. How do you unwind after a busy day? 

In winter, I love having a long hot shower, and curling up on the couch with a glass of wine. If it’s summer, you’d usually find me having an evening swim and hanging out on our deck outside. I love being outside as much as possible and I find it’s when I’m out in the fresh air, I can really unwind and just have a moment of peace.  


10. How do you define success for yourself?

I have never ever been driven by money, so I don’t even regard money and success in the same sentence. For me, it’s actually where I am right now. A place that I can comfortably live, get to wake up every day and do a job I absolutely love and getting to raise my daughter. I am probably the most content I’ve ever been in my life right now and it feels so good to be able to say that.




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